Lifestyle Key: DC Row

Lifestyle Key: DC Row

Those of you who know me well know that Pilates is my favorite and go to workout. Last week I was invited to try DC Row with a friend so I decided to give it a try. I’ve used rowing machines before, but only on my own so I thought learning how to structure a workout would be a good idea.

My friend, Kristen, and I went to the Scull & Sculpt class taught by Anna (sidebar: she reminded me of Yara Greyjoy in Game of Thrones), which is an open level high intensity interval workbook. I was a little worried about rowing for the entire class but Anna was great. We started with a warmup that helped me figure out the proper form (getting my arms to move when they should took a little bit of time!). I did choose my spot poorly — make sure you have good views of yourself in multiple mirrors to keep an eye on your form. I ended up facing the gap in the mirrors *sigh*, but I could see my back reflected at an angle and at least that part of me looked good.

The rest of the class was intervals (1 minute on, 1 minute off, 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off, 3 minutes on. 3 minutes off) at varying intensities. There was also a break in the middle of the class for some core work off the machine, which was a good way to break up with class. I would have preferred a mat to do my core work on but it was manageable without. After the second section of intervals we stretched to cool down. Given all we had done I thought the amount of time for stretching was appropriate — I often feel shorted at the end of a class when what I want is a deep stretch.

I was expecting the class to require higher intensity than it did and those of you who knew I was going, can attest to the fact that I was very nervous I would be so sore I wouldn’t be able to move the day after. My hamstrings, glutes, and forearms were fatigued at the end of the class, so I was expecting to have a lot of soreness in those areas the next day. Not so, They were a tiny bit sore but nowhere near what I was expecting — thanks Pilates and toddler!

Overall, I really enjoyed the class. I think my favorite part was the “wave” sound that is created when the entire class rows together from the water in the machines. I found it really cathartic and relaxing, which is why Anna probably kept saying “Focus, don’t zone out!”

There’s a new studio opening in Dupont next month so if you need a buddy to check it out with you just let me know!

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