Lifestyle Key: Working From "Home"

Lifestyle Key: Working From "Home"

I didn’t write a blog last week because I was in New York for the weekend to celebrate my grandparents’ 65th wedding anniversary. The photo here is of my parents’ house where I was staying. All of the Murphy’s were there and I uninvited my best friend who had originally planned to visit me that weekend, so I could be there because mine is the only one of 18 calendars that was booked. We didn’t get home until past my bedtime last Sunday so I didn’t have it in me to post — sleep is a non-negotiable for me.

One of the things I love about being in real estate is I can set my own schedule. No one approves my vacation, sick days, or travel. I put it on the calendar and it’s confirmed. One of the things that makes this work is that I’m disciplined and I make sure I’m in the office everyday during the week and I’m focused while I’m there. That way when I’m home with my family, out with friends, or deciding I need some time to myself I can take that time.

One of the things I don’t love about being in real estate is I work when the clients need me. Last weekend this meant, my clients who are relocating to DC from Michigan, were ready to write an offer as I was getting ready to go to my grandparent’s 65th anniversary party. One of the reasons being on a team is important to me, is that instead of being late or working from my phone the entire time, I was able to call my team lead, Joe, give him the details of the offer (we keep each other advised of our clients anyway so he already had an idea of what was happening) and he drafted it for me so it could be signed and delivered the next morning.

I’m excited that the offer was accepted and will settle in a few weeks. I’m thankful that my clients trusted my team to get the job done when I wasn’t available. I’m grateful that I have a team that has my back so I don’t have to work when I’m with my family.

Lifestyle Key: Why do we carve pumpkins for Halloween?

Lifestyle Key: Why do we carve pumpkins for Halloween?

Event Recap: 2019 DC Luxury Real Estate Conference

Event Recap: 2019 DC Luxury Real Estate Conference